Saturday, February 27, 2010
Trip to the pet expo
We are always looking for things we can do indoors with Dyllan so we dont go too stir crazy stuck at home. Today we took her to the Valley Forge Pet Expo at the Convention Center...
Getting pushed around in her stroller and checking out the dogs!
Friday, February 26, 2010
More visitors
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Smiles and Laughs
Dyllan is starting to react to us more and more. We can make her smile or even let out a little sound or laugh by smiling, laughing, or whistling at her (can't really explain the latter...she just seems to like whistling!). In this succession of photos, Joe is holding her and she looks over and notices me and then smiles when I smile at her :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dyllan attends Faith Church
We took D to church for the first time this morning. She definitely likes noise and was enjoying all the singing but when it got quiet to pray she'd start to fuss a bit. We made it about half way through Pastor Tony's sermon before she decided she wanted to eat and let out a little scream. So Joe spent the rest of the time in the lobby giving her a bottle. But it wasn't bad for a first try and we were so happy to finally get back to Faith and get to see many of our friends!
Home from church
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Bridesmaid Gown & Birthday Girl!
Today my mom, Dyllan and I took a trip to the bridal errand I'd been putting off for quite a while. I needed to get fitted for my matron of honor gown for my sister's wedding, but I was dreading trying to squeeze into the sample dress. Fortunately I was pleasantly surprised that I could actually zip it up. So my day was not ruined after all :) Dyllan was doing so great on our outing that "Grandma" and I decided to take her out for lunch and a little shopping too. It was a nice afternoon.
On a separate note, Dyllan is six weeks old today!! We can't believe how fast time is flying!
On a separate note, Dyllan is six weeks old today!! We can't believe how fast time is flying!
Friday, February 19, 2010
What a Friday night is like when you have a baby
We had a long evening of diaper and clothes changes and baths with Dyllan tonight....
After getting all sweaty from being bundled in her car seat from an outing, and then producing an exceptionally stinky poop, Dyllan got a nice scrub down in her bath tonight. But immediately after getting dressed in fresh PJs and a new diaper she proceeded to have another monster poop. While we could've let that go (after all, babies poop all the time!!), less than 10 minutes later she proceeded to projectile vomit all over herself, our armchair, and Joe! So it was back to the bathtub and another fresh pair of PJs. Hopefully that's the end of the story. She's napping now :) So that's what a Friday night is like with a baby!
Enjoy a few photos of D after bath #1. She was being a little fussy for the photo session...

After getting all sweaty from being bundled in her car seat from an outing, and then producing an exceptionally stinky poop, Dyllan got a nice scrub down in her bath tonight. But immediately after getting dressed in fresh PJs and a new diaper she proceeded to have another monster poop. While we could've let that go (after all, babies poop all the time!!), less than 10 minutes later she proceeded to projectile vomit all over herself, our armchair, and Joe! So it was back to the bathtub and another fresh pair of PJs. Hopefully that's the end of the story. She's napping now :) So that's what a Friday night is like with a baby!
Enjoy a few photos of D after bath #1. She was being a little fussy for the photo session...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tucked in
Once again I came into the bedroom to go to bed, only to find Dyllan there. Joe even tucked her in this time. And Dyllan seems to enjoy it.
In reality she sleeps in the pack'n'play, which is still in our bedroom. We are starting to introduce her to the crib by letting her take naps in the nursery during the day (when she WILL sleep...she is usually quite alert a good part of the day). It's been harder for me than I thought it would be to imagine putting her in the nursery all night, but considering she's been such a good sleeper we will probably do it in the near future. One benefit of having a bigger baby is that she's sleeping longer at an earlier age, and doesn't require frequent nightly feedings :)

In reality she sleeps in the pack'n'play, which is still in our bedroom. We are starting to introduce her to the crib by letting her take naps in the nursery during the day (when she WILL sleep...she is usually quite alert a good part of the day). It's been harder for me than I thought it would be to imagine putting her in the nursery all night, but considering she's been such a good sleeper we will probably do it in the near future. One benefit of having a bigger baby is that she's sleeping longer at an earlier age, and doesn't require frequent nightly feedings :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Getting bigger!
Enjoy a random selection of recent photos. Then, for those who are interested in all the minute details about Dyllan's well-being (probably just the grandparents and aunts), read on for a little health update....

Things are going pretty well here in the Getz household except that miss Dyllan seems to have a bit of a cold. We're hoping it tapers off before turning into anything bigger but she's been fussier than usual and just not herself so we had her to the doctor's today and it turns out her lungs didn't sound completely clear. So we will be keeping a close eye on her and have her re-checked on Monday to make sure all is well. As new parents it's hard not to be worried about our little girl but we're trying to not drive ourselves nuts by checking her breathing all the time!! Okay, so this is Linz writing and I guess I can't speak for I'm trying to not drive MYSELF nuts by listening to her breathing all the time (which is what I'm doing as she naps and I type). Dyllan does this rapid breathing thing from time to time and she did it while at the office today. The doc said that I should time it and make sure it's no longer than a minute when it happens. Trust me...I'm tempted to go buy a stopwatch and a stethoscope now ;) But I'm also sure that this will be the first of many colds, boo-boos, and maybe even more serious injuries or illnesses that we will have to get through and the best we can really do is just put our faith in God that everything will work out :) Easier said than done of course!
Other than this slight cold, the only other news to report is the little (or NOT so little) one's latest weigh-in....11 lbs 2 oz!!! She is gaining weight really well, so that is one area we certainly don't need to be concerned. Considering 3 month sized clothing says "up to 12 lbs," I may have to be getting her some new outfits soon. I think there might be some President's Day sales going on this weekend!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Nor'easter 2010!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Dyllan Makes Friends
When I was pregnant I enjoyed being part of a prenatal aqua aerobics class at the Y and met some great friends. Yesterday, 3 of us had a chance to introduce our babies (though we missed Danielle and her Jackson!). From left to right on the couch, below, Heather's baby Aubrey is 3 months, Marsha's baby Vivian is 2 months, and of course Dyllan is 1 month. Note that Dyllan doesn't look all that much smaller than the other girls...not surprising I guess since she's in 3 month clothing already!

Dyllan's shocked face!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Out to lunch!

"Aunt Kelly" snapped this photo of Dyllan in her carseat this afternoon during a lunch outing. Dyllan has been so great on our trips out of the house. As long as we drive around a little, and give her a chance to fall asleep, she'll usually stay sleeping during the meal. So even though we went to Sly Fox, which is literally across the street from us, we drove around for 10 or 15 minutes first!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Circle of Friends
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