Sunday, July 25, 2010
Another busy weekend
It seems like this summer has been full of busy weekends. And we've pretty much been "booked" the entire summer from graduation parties to beach trips and wedding stuff. But it's all been fun. This weekend was another busy one with Kelly's bachelorette party on Friday night, a visit from the Radomski's on Saturday, and the church family picnic this afternoon. Since I planned the night out for Kel on Friday I was anxious to be sure it all came together...and it did! It was a nice night out while Joe handled "Dyllan Duty."
Kelly dancing with Chris' Aunts...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
At the table with mommy and daddy...
Since Dyllan started sitting up so well on her own, she can now have her own seat when we go out to eat. Here she is at one of our favorite places (Ruby's Diner at the KOP Mall). They even gave her a kid's menu (which she tried to crumple up stuff in her mouth), and a cardboard car (which she also tried to eat). She lasted most of the meal (our usual: the chicken finger basket) and played with her toys at the table....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Our little fish!
Dyllan has really taken to the water...she loves floating around on her swimmy raft and kicks her legs really hard, like she's really trying. We even started her in a swim class at the Y for 6 thru 24 month old kids. She's obviously at the young end of it, but she can't seem to get enough of the water....
Speaking of fish....Joe took a family fishing trip this weekend in upstate New York with his dad, uncles, and cousins. He had a few good catches, like this Large Mouth Bass.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A short week
We had a nice long holiday weekend spent mostly at the shore and can't believe tomorrow is already Weds. I am finally starting to feel better after almost 3 wks of an annoying head cold plus a nasty stomach bug that's been stubbornly hanging on. I had to spend a night in the hospital the previous weekend after getting pretty dehydrated and running a high fever. Thanks to Joe's parents for coming down here at the last minute, taking Dyllan, and putting my mind at ease. I spent my first night without Dyllan which was really difficult for me, but ultimately a blessing in disguise. She's now transitionned fully to formula since I didn't have enough milk stored for her and was on a lot of medication in the hospital. But she's sleeping through the night and in general seems to be a happier baby, so it ended up being a good thing making the switch. And I'm also grateful that both Dyllan and Joe have remained mostly healthy despite being around my germs.
Not a whole lot else to report from our household, however, we are still feeling the excitement of the news from the Reichl household that Heather's latest MRI scans were CLEAN. Amazing! PTL! The Vigliante's hosted a little gathering on the 4th to celebrate. Photos below from our shore weekend and the picnic.
Uncle Chris and Daddy hanging out with Dyllan at the shore house
Not a whole lot else to report from our household, however, we are still feeling the excitement of the news from the Reichl household that Heather's latest MRI scans were CLEAN. Amazing! PTL! The Vigliante's hosted a little gathering on the 4th to celebrate. Photos below from our shore weekend and the picnic.
Monday, July 5, 2010
One more contest!

Ok, I swear I don't spend my whole day entering contests, but I entered this one a while back and the voting period just started. You can vote here for Dyllan to be the next Gerber baby. Our "big girl" is definitely the poster child for eating well!
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