Friday, January 22, 2010

Our 2 Babies

The first baby of the household (our Golden Retriever Lucy) is more than a little confused why all of our attention has now shifted to a new baby. She's been great with Dyllan so far...very cautious of her and gentle when she's nearby...but we're sure she's pretty sad that she's no longer the sole recipient of our affection. She has let out quite a few big sighs when Dyllan starts crying and we run to tend to her. But "Dad" has made an effort to make our "golden baby" still feel loved. Here he is while the two girls take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. thats such a great picture!! It is a hard adjustment for those first "babies"! (our)Bailey is now trying to figure out how to deal with Aiden in a whole new way because Aiden wants to "play" with Bailey, who has no interest!
