Friday, August 20, 2010

Stand Up!

Life seems to be getting busier every day and it's getting harder to keep up with our updates. But things are great here. Well, we did have one bit of big news this week, but it ultimately is a positive thing. Joe has been dealing with hip pain for years but the doctors he's seen have pretty much said his right hip is beyond repair with the effects of arthritis. Well, after a visit to the Rothman Institute in Center City this week, they basically told him a hip replacement or resurfacing were his best options. Previously nobody had seemed willing to do a hip replacement on a 28 year old. There's obviously a lot more details to this story, and if you really want them, feel free to contact Joe. But the bottom line is that we have surgery lined up for October 26th. Joe needs to do a little more research but I'm pretty sure he'll be going through with it.

Anyhow, that will be a big thing, but ultimately a positive as Joe will finally have an answer to his pain. All else is well. Dyllan is growing so fast! It really doesn't feel all that long ago to either of us that she was born and she's recently had some major milestones. 2 weeks ago Joe was surprised when he left Dyllan in sitting up position in the crib to run to his car quickly. When he returned she had pulled herself to standing position and had the biggest smile. She was so proud of her accomplishment.

Dyllan has also become quite mobile. She army crawl/inchworms her way everywhere. And she gets up on her hands and knees and rocks a lot...close to crawling "for real" I guess. We will likely be investing in some sort of playpen to corral her a bit so that we can walk away for a second without her winding up in another room!!

Here's D, so proud to be standing in her crib...

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