We've been awful about updating the blog lately but things are just so busy around here. Dyllan is on the move and without a constant eye on her, she's into everything. So we don't have a whole lot of time to ourselves lately. But it's amazing watching her grow. It feels like she does more and more each day. Still not standing on her own or walking yet, but it feels close! We're pretty sure she could actually stand on her own but she's still unsure of herself. She wants to keep a hand on something even though she barely holds on. She also "cruises," walking around the room holding on to things.
Tonight Dyllan had her first "big girl bath," which was exciting. As she's started to really love bathtime and always wants to play in the tub, we decided to ditch the baby tub and see how she'd do. She LOVED it. We all ended up pretty wet with all the splashing but she had a blast. Enjoy some photos below.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!! We certainly feel blessed here at the Getz household and are thankful for our little girl.

"I love big girl bathtime- even if mommy makes my hair look funny!"

"Can Ducky come in too???"
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