Sorry I've slacked off a bit with updates but we've had a lot going on in our lives and at home lately. Dyllan is doing wonderful though and approaching four months old (May 9th). It's hard to believe. Every day she seems to be doing more and more new things and it's been an exciting learning experience for all of us. She now "talks" up a storm, reaches and grasps very well, and holds her head up like a champ during "tummy time." We are still anxiously awaiting her to roll over but with her broad shoulders we feel like that's a hard one for her. She tries to, and even gets up on her side, but can't quite make it all the way over yet. We almost feel like she would sit up first as she will now grab your hands and pull herself up very well. She likes being in sitting position so we are getting a lot of use out of the bumbo seat we borrowed from the
Dyllan was Dedicated last Sunday (April 18) at Faith Church. Afterwards we had our family over to the house for a celebration. Here are some photos from that day...
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