Friday, February 12, 2010

Getting bigger!

Enjoy a random selection of recent photos. Then, for those who are interested in all the minute details about Dyllan's well-being (probably just the grandparents and aunts), read on for a little health update....

Things are going pretty well here in the Getz household except that miss Dyllan seems to have a bit of a cold. We're hoping it tapers off before turning into anything bigger but she's been fussier than usual and just not herself so we had her to the doctor's today and it turns out her lungs didn't sound completely clear. So we will be keeping a close eye on her and have her re-checked on Monday to make sure all is well. As new parents it's hard not to be worried about our little girl but we're trying to not drive ourselves nuts by checking her breathing all the time!! Okay, so this is Linz writing and I guess I can't speak for I'm trying to not drive MYSELF nuts by listening to her breathing all the time (which is what I'm doing as she naps and I type). Dyllan does this rapid breathing thing from time to time and she did it while at the office today. The doc said that I should time it and make sure it's no longer than a minute when it happens. Trust me...I'm tempted to go buy a stopwatch and a stethoscope now ;) But I'm also sure that this will be the first of many colds, boo-boos, and maybe even more serious injuries or illnesses that we will have to get through and the best we can really do is just put our faith in God that everything will work out :) Easier said than done of course!
Other than this slight cold, the only other news to report is the little (or NOT so little) one's latest weigh-in....11 lbs 2 oz!!! She is gaining weight really well, so that is one area we certainly don't need to be concerned. Considering 3 month sized clothing says "up to 12 lbs," I may have to be getting her some new outfits soon. I think there might be some President's Day sales going on this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Watching your child be sick has been one of the hardest parts about parenthood so far, so we feel your pain! Hang in there as I am sure she'll start feeling better soon.
